BIRYANI.ZIP 1,313 09-15-92 Delicious indian cooking recipe... Liplicking!
BOOK92E.ZIP 190,031 09-02-92 The Bookie Joint Door update files only.
BOOKIE92.ZIP 209,458 09-05-92 The Bookie Joint Door for 1992.
BRAD67.ZIP 34,587 07-03-92 BRAD'S EDGE (version 6.7). Thoroughbredhandicapper combining speed, weight,workouts, jockey, class, and other factors.
CDMSTR70.ZIP 256,939 10-04-92 CDMaster 7.00. Helping you *Master your CDLibrary. Max flexibility/outputs toprinter/file/screen. Labels. UnicornSoftware
CDMSTR71.ZIP 258,242 10-21-92 CDMaster 7.10. Helping you *Master your CDLibrary. It does what other catalogers onlydream of! Max flexibility (3 user definedfields per title, 2 per tune). UNLIMITEDTunes per title. Out puts to printer/screen/ file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Find CD! on every field or combination,even Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd. {ASP} Newest File in Archive: October, 1992
CHECKS51.ZIP 140,743 08-29-92 Here's the full featured, public domainVersion 5.1 of the Talking Checkbook! Speech synthesis friendly and now it doescredit card tracking along with all theother features. Check out the new taxprint/file routines. Also bug killed insummary/display module.
CORNBREA.ZIP 1,553 10-26-92 Recipe for cornbread? Tasted good, anyway.
CWISE11.ZIP 270,617 09-14-92 Calendar Wise version 1.11.A multi-plannerCalendar Wise is a multi-subject planningand tracking tool that simulates a desktopblotter, or write/on wipe off wall calendar100 calendars keeps all planning separated. Calendar format can be changed to view moreinformation. Multiple calendars can beviewed together. ASP, $25
DISCTRAK.ZIP 210,947 08-16-92 DiscTrak System v1.70 - Home EntertainmentCataloging Database program. This programcan organize all of your CDs, Cassettes,Albums, LaserDiscs, and VCR Tapes easily. Search for any song title, Star, Directorand MUCH MORE! Limited only by disk space. Written by a member of <<ASP>>. None of theother Home Entertainment database programscan match it.
DLRK11.ZIP 41,552 09-19-92 Download Recordkeeper v1.1: pgm to help youkeep track of the files you acquire for yourcomputer system; 09/19/92 Allen Brown.
DMDBS.ZIP 119,995 09-23-92 Demo update of Movie Database v1.5. Manynew features. (self-extracting .EXE.
EDNACKBK.ZIP 134,393 09-04-92 Edna's cookbook, comes with recipe's, andadd your own.
EZT200.ZIP 114,062 08-18-92 EZ-Tree 2.00 Genealogy from MicroFox Company--> Family Tree Tacking and ReportingSystem. EZT200.ZIP (EXE, DOC, and sampletree files).
FACTORIA.ZIP 83,965 10-18-92 Lottery combinations calculator. See howmany tickets you have to buy to cover allcombinations. Clipper pgm w/source. Factorial
FPOOLSD.ZIP 199,378 09-18-92 football pool! hurry up and get it! bbsdoor versions may be available!
FSB115_A.ZIP 319,719 08-05-92 Family Scrapbook v1.15, 1 of 2, a greatgenealogy/family-tree program, numerousreports, Gedcom, easy to use, shareware.
FSB115_B.ZIP 324,977 08-05-92 Family Scrapbook v1.15, 2 of
FS_RM30.ZIP 216,687 11-02-92 First Step Software - RECIPE MANAGEMENT forRestaurant Owners. Costing & YieldAdjustment, and other features.
GBBS9209.ZIP 33,180 08-31-92 Genealogy BBS List Sept. 1992
GM92FIX1.ZIP 3,332 08-31-92 GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1992 Upd #13 files changed by NFL week #1 reschedulingA MUST DOWNLOAD for file integrity!
GM92FIX2.ZIP 22,399 09-10-92 GAMBLER"S MATE: Football Edition 1992 Upd #2A MUST! Use with GMBLMT92 and GM92FIX1
GM92FIX3.ZIP 15,909 09-13-92 GAMBLER's MATE: Football 1992 Update #3
GM92FIX4.ZIP 6,175 10-03-92 GAMBLER'S MATE:Football Edition 1992 Fix # 5GMPRINT.EXE file- corrected and will now letall files to be printed when requested. D/LGMBLMT92, GM92FIX1, GM92FIX2, GM92FIX3.ZIPsTOP PICK SYSTEM 2 is 35-18 66.0% since 1989TOP PICK SYSTEM 3 is 30-15 66.7%
GM92FIX5.ZIP 27,802 11-21-92 GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1992 Fix #5Corrects problem for WEEK 11 update. Thisfix MUST be installed to process week 11! GAMBLER'S MATE is WINNING AGAIN for the 4thyear in a row. SYSTEM 3 is over 60%. Endorsed by Mike Caro-Mad Genius of Gambling
GMBLMT92.ZIP 194,722 08-18-92 GAMBLER'S MATE: Football Edition 1992winning 60.0% vs spread (212-142) since1989. THREE programs in ONE. NFL Trends
HOT_2A20.ZIP 123,953 10-23-92 Bulletin 14 HOT FILES listing reformatted todatabase column formats for .GIFs and .ZIPs. * For period 10-13-92 to 10-20-92. * * Thisincludes ALL 9196 files downloaded. *Easiest way to locate HOT files of interest!
JDFTPOOL.ZIP 74,825 10-20-92 J&D No-Spread Football Pool. Play footballpool without worrying about point spreadwith a new way of handling it.
KICKERS.ZIP 0,805 08-23-92 Listing of NFL kickers for 1992/93 footballseason.
LBUD2_0.ZIP 63,857 09-03-92 Lotto buddy-generator/checker and data store.
LOTTO122.ZIP 134,707 08-26-92 LottoMATIC version 1.22 is a general purposelottery program. Configurable for virtuallylottery, store plays, track wins and prizes,play repeat numbers, numerous reports,guesses
LOTTOP4.ZIP 234,526 09-02-92 Lotto Profit V4.0 Improves the odds ...
MEMBRPAK.ZIP 96,950 11-12-92 Produces Mailing Labels, Club Membershiprosters, Secondary Merge files for bothWordPerfect and Wordstar. Allows separatefiles for different goups of information. Newest File in Archive: November, 1992
MINICAP2.ZIP 89,262 11-15-92 MINICAP version 2.0. Fully customizablethoroughbred handicapper. Comes with aproven handicapping system, but YOU havecomplete freedom to decide what factors touse, their relative importance, etc.
MM701.ZIP 204,429 10-01-92 Mealmaster V7.01 Recipe Management System;New Improvements. Widely used program
MM702.ZIP 228,009 10-06-92 MealMaster v. 7.02, the complete latestversion, easier recipe input, editing andviewing.
NFL92B.ZIP 63,594 09-02-92 1992 football statistics.
NFLSTATS.ZIP 190,691 09-26-92 Keep track of all 28 NFL teams. Personaland teams statistics. It's an originalprogram.
NMBRSTF1.ZIP 35,921 09-20-92 Number Stuff. Calculate lottery odds.
PB22.ZIP 32,090 11-16-92 Playback v2.2: TSR captures keystrokes &allows playback via hot-key trigger. Versatile with many options, too.
PETPE300.ZIP 295,079 11-15-92 pE - The "perfect" Editor v3.00. Windowsthat move, size, tile and cascade. WordProcess features wrap, autoformat, center,left, right and justify text. EXCLUSIVEDRAG & DROW with mouse and keyboard. Editbinary files in HEX with dec or hex offsets,regular expn's, brace match and much more. ANOUNCING pEp, pE professional - protectedmode. USE all of memory. ASP Shareware
PFE1992.ZIP 272,899 08-28-92 ProFootball Edge for 1992 reqs 512k memoryHandicaps NFL Winners and Over/Unders. 10year database and 1992 schedule included.
PFEDGE92.ZIP 272,926 08-31-92 PRO FOOTBALL EDGE! 92 -- Excellent programto Handicap NFL Winners and Over/Unders. 7matchup screens per game guide you throughan efficient handicapping process. Speedy.
PFPCK4.ZIP 135,721 09-03-92 PRO Football Picks v4.0u for 1992 Season Toprated Handicapping Program! 6 year recordover 73% accuracy w/Many features/bbssupport $35 registration from ALC Software
POKER57.ZIP 65,641 10-06-92 CLASSIC DRAW POKER from Gellman SoftwareVersion 5.7, released October 1992 Now withmore challenging betting and a newtournament mode. Can you beat the computer? Freeware.
POM220.ZIP 106,810 11-16-92 PARSE-O-MATIC robo-editor. Move databetween programs that normally don'tunderstand each each other's data. Convertreports from one program into a formatuseful to the other one. Edit text files byscript. Don't retype all your data: printyour report to a file, then use P-O-M toCONVERT it to the input format you require! Shareware from Pinnacle.
PSP24.ZIP 12,988 11-01-92 PSPrint will print a text file to aPostScript printer from the DOS commandline. Each page is printed with a headercontaining the file name, the date printed,page number and the total number of pages. Allows font choice and will print up to 220lines per page. Requires a PostScriptprinter. Shareware from Bob's Software.
PTABLE10.ZIP 48,094 08-01-92 Slick menu-driven periodic table of theelements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screenclock and screen saver
PTM227.ZIP 247,836 11-23-92 DOS Phantom V2.6 Task Automator. Record anytask you perform at the keyboard and play itback at a scheduled time or by hot key. Unlimited recording length! Many otherpowerful features. Make demos, testsoftware, and more. W/screen/print capture. ASP. $25
PTT109.ZIP 210,985 11-27-92 Personal Ticker Tape 109. d/l from CIS,GEnie update Metastock, Megatech, variousascii, use DJNR //HQ etc, generates reportsetc... (shareware: $59)
QUOTE_.ZIP 155,666 09-09-92 Quote! V1.4 random quote generator. Options include: randomize from up to ninequote files as once, create/modify your ownfiles, and more.
R250.ZIP 4,149 10-14-92 Highly portable random number generatorfunction w/C source.
READ28.ZIP 68,040 10-02-92 Readit Text Reading Program V2.8 - DesignedFor Both Sighted People And Those Who AreVisually Impaired or Use A SpeechSynthesizer.
RTAB10.ZIP 7,205 10-02-92 Replaces tabs in text files with spaces.
S3PW11.ZIP 28,003 10-30-92 Generate 8 character passwords based partlyon the users name and true random generation.
SAMATE10.ZIP 247,529 08-24-92 SALEMATE v1.0: pgm useful for keeping trackof salespersons, sales leads & customerinfo; phone dialer, purchase history log,mini word processor, invoice printer,product database, etc.; prints, envelopes;todo lists, etc
SC312.EXE 135,693 08-09-92 Super Crypt - Advanced Cryptography toprotect your files with Data EncryptionStandard (DES)
SC40.ZIP 132,599 09-15-92 Set-Clock v4.0: Set computer's time from USNaval Observatory using your own commprogram as front end. Scripts included forQmodem, ProComm+ & Telix. Some "goodies"thrown in.
SCRAPS20.ARJ 264,943 10-31-92 Excellent personal information manager. Elegant interface.
SF312.EXE 200,326 08-09-92 Super Forms - quick and powerful formsprocessor that handles most form needs. Line draw, full printer support, etc.
SHOP15.ZIP 154,469 09-07-92 Shoppers Advantage v1.5: comparison shopperand list generator; includes couponsmaintenance; 09/07/92; Signet Software.
SLOCK_.ZIP 30,131 10-26-92 Show Connection File Lock v1.032 - forNovell View who is using what files on aNovell file server; works with v3.11, etc. Supports many command line options inclmultiple wildcards. Run from a workstation. Kurt Kellner:
STEPRE30.ZIP 36,234 11-01-92 STEPREG (ver 3.0) program permits analysisof experimental data using simple, multiple,polynomial, or stepwise regression analysis. The program also allows setting up your ownmodel equations for fitting the data.
TAPMK16B.ZIP 67,980 09-08-92 TapeMaker v1.6B: catalog and print labelsfor audio tape cassettes; calculatesarrangement of songs to waste least tape;09/08/92;
TDE21.ZIP 339,369 10-31-92 Frank Davis' public domain text editor. Multi-file, macros, column block mark,time/date insert fully configurable. Superprogram. Comes with complete MS C sourcecode
TELEDEX.ZIP 86,968 09-10-92 TeleDex v1.0: simple, fast and easy to useRolodex-type database w/virtually unlimited
TICKER.ZIP 152,440 10-21-92 TICKER--Jokes, Insults, Sayings, TriviaTeller. Pgm and database for Win 3.x & DOSDisplays continuous streams of jokes/insults
TIKLER51.ZIP 67,984 10-05-92 Version 5.1 of Dick Olsen's TIKLER. A FAST,easy to use tool to keep track of your busyschedule. Supports Passwords, FileEncryption European Date Format, EventDuplication (weekly, monthly etc.) and timesorting. Runs as a TSR, if desired, usingas little as 6k
TIMEZN10.ZIP 30,982 08-22-92 Timezone v1.0: program that enables you tolook up a state, an area code, or specificcities; TSR option will allow it to beunloaded from memory; 08/22/92; John Wilson.
TIP20.ZIP 56,709 10-01-92 Thoroughbred Investment Program - a completeapproach to wagering at the racetrack
TODO399D.ZIP 50,146 08-25-92 TODO v3.99D: list manager and reminder pgm;
TTED102.ZIP 60,906 09-18-92 Tiny Tafel Editor v1.02 genealogy utilityprogram. A tiny tafel is a specializedreport that some genealogy programs cancreate to summarize your data.
UCALC12.ZIP 53,564 10-25-92 Ultimate Calculator. High precisionscientific expression evaluator with manyfunctions, operators, modes, notations, etc.
VSM_30.ZIP 143,801 10-27-92 Volleyball Stats Manager v3.0 A MUST forvolleyball coaches. Tracks service stats,sets, passes, digs, dinks, spikes, kills,blocks and more! Keeps year-to-date andlifetime records. A multitude of reportscan be viewed or printed. USER-FRIENDLY !!
WILALM49.ZIP 62,320 09-10-92 Wilstar Chime Clock, Almanac, Contacts. Good
WKABK.ZIP 12,412 10-21-92 Graphical Weekly Appointment for HP95 LX
WORDFRQ1.ZIP 79,274 08-14-92 For the writer who is concerned with theover-repitition of words. This utility willmake you aware of a possible style problem.
WRIT20.ZIP 18,848 10-15-92 WRITE v2.0-Color ECHO replacement [ASP]Prints full color text anywhere on screen. Much more flexible than DOS ECHO statement. Can also display text files.
XC_260.ZIP 172,403 10-11-92 X-CAL Network Calendar System version 2.60x-CAL is a workgroup productivity solutionthat provides easy-to-use calendaring fornetwork users, workgroups, and alternates.